Monday, February 19, 2018

Well, here we are again...

David is on his way to Iraq again -- his third trip in 11 years along in addition to a deployment to Afghanistan -- this time for about nine months.

I should be used to his "business trips," as he calls them, but I never am.

And this time, things are different; he has Alex, his 16-month-old son, who is going to miss Daddy very much. We're all going to miss his Daddy very much -- and I suspect Daddy is going to miss Alex a whole lot.

We'll do our best to help Cindy as grandparents, visiting Watertown, NY (where David is based) and we'll try very hard not to drive her crazy at the same time. She's my hero; she has the care of a toddler and a full-time job alone.

David has reassured us that he'll be in a safe location in Army headquarters in Baghdad, away from fighting and bombs. So far, he's been lucky on his deployments -- no injuries, mental or physical. This assignment is good for his career path as an officer.

I just don't know why he can't be deployed to Belgium or Germany or Washington, DC.

But then no place is safe anymore, is it?

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